Church By-Laws (Document Viewer)






The name of this church shall be Lone Oak Baptist Church of Energy, Illinois.


ARTICLE II – Purpose


The purpose of this Church shall be to maintain public services for the worship of God and for the teaching and preaching of the Gospel, and in general to promote the interests of the Kingdom of God according to the teachings of Christ.


ARTICLE III – Denominational Affiliations


Section I. Cooperation with Other Bodies:

The Church’s government is vested in the body which is composed of the members. The Church recognizes its obligation and privilege to cooperate with other religious bodies having the same general objectives. The Church is of Baptist faith but at present is not a member of any Baptist association and does not have an affiliation with a worldwide parish. (09/14/05). The Church may affiliate with a like-minded denomination with the approval of the Pastor and Deacon board. This would then require a special business meeting and require a 90% vote from the members present. The Deacons should make all efforts to ensure the majority of church members could be present. Vacation periods and holiday weeks are not considered a viable time.


Section II. Declaration of Doctrine and Principles:

This church receives the entire Bible as an all-sufficient basis of doctrine and practices. The King James Version will be the basis that our doctrine and practices will come from. As a summary of principles for Christian conduct among its members, it adopts the Church Covenant commonly accepted by conservative Baptist Churches. Lone Oak Baptist Church of Energy, Illinois covenant is as follows:



Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we do now, in the presence of God, angels and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.


We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this Church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the Church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel through all nations.


We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; as listed in Proverbs 6: 16-19, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the Kingdom of our Savior.



We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling, and courteous in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay.


We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other Church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.



ARTICLE IV – Membership


Section I: To be a Member of this Church:

  1. A person must confess Jesus Christ to be their Savior and Lord, and promise to live a

Christian life.

  1. A person must accept and agree to the church covenant and by-laws.

  2. According to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 a person must engage in a Biblical-based lifestyle.

  3. A person must be received by vote of the Church.

  4. A person must present satisfactory proof that they have been baptized or is a candidate for baptism. If the person has been previously baptized and is satisfied with their baptism this will be accepted. If the person has not been baptized, to become a member they must be willing to be baptized by immersion.


Section II. Dismissal from this Church shall be:

  1. By death.

  2. By letter. Any Member in good and regular standing who desires a letter of dismissal and recommendation to any other Church is entitled to receive it upon his/her request. The name of the Church to which membership is to be transferred must be indicated in the request, and the letter shall be sent to the Pastor or clerk of that Church. This letter shall be valid as a recommendation for six (6) months only from its date, unless renewed and this restriction shall be stated in the letter.

  3. By exclusion. In all cases involving gross immorality, and in case of delinquency through failure to comply with covenant obligations, members may be excluded, when it is so recommended by the Deacons and approved by vote of the members.


Section III. Voting Age of Members:

  1. All members must have attained the age of eighteen (18) in order to vote on any church proposals. Added (07-12-2015)

  2. An active voting member is one who attends regularly, and believes that they are living their life for Christ.

  3. An active member is required to have held church membership for at least 2 business meetings, prior to voting on any matter.


ARTICLE V – Officers


Section I. Church officers, as listed below, shall be elected or appointed as provided for in this article. (09-09-81)


Section II.

All officers shall be a Member of the Church and elected by the members of the Church at the annual meeting. The date of the annual meeting shall be in August of each year.


The Pastor shall be called for a one-year period by the Church membership upon the recommendation of a Pulpit Committee. His election shall be by secret vote of members at a special meeting of the Church the first (1st) year, provided notice of intention to vote on the calling or rehiring of a Pastor at such a meeting has been given at all Church meetings during the two preceding weeks. After the first year, voting on the Pastor would not be necessary if the Pastor feels called to continue and the Church is satisfied with the Pastor. Pastor or Church may terminate this agreement with a sixty (60) day notice of intention to do so, in writing. A 90% majority of members present and voting at the special called meeting shall determine the outcome of the election. (8-11-24). The Pastor and/or Pastors must be members and in good standing with this church.


Pastor and Deacon Job Description Amended (02/07/2018)


Section III. Officers and their Duties.

  1. Senior Pastor. The duties of the Senior Pastor shall be those common to such office in Baptist churches. The Senior Pastor Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.

  2. Associate Pastor. The Associate Pastor shall assist the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons in accomplishing our objective to develop a strong church community. The Associate Pastor Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.

  3. Church Clerk. The Clerk shall enter upon the records of the Church current events in the life of the Church that are likely to be of historical value, thus making the Church records a continuous story of the history of the Church. The Church Clerk Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.

  4. Local Expense Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all local expense funds belonging to the Church except those provided otherwise. The Treasurer Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.

  5. Church School Officers. A Sunday School Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected at an annual meeting. Church School Officers have general supervision of the Sunday School. They shall serve under the direction of the Board of Deacons. All Church School Officers and Sunday School Teachers must be members of this Church.


ARTICLE VI – Boards and Committees


Section I.

All members of the boards and committees of this Church shall be members in good standing. Each board or committee will elect their own Chairman unless otherwise designated.


Section II. Board of Deacons.

There shall be a Board of Deacons elected by the members. The number of Deacons (consisting of an uneven number) shall be determined by the members at the annual meeting. It shall be understood, however, that an even number, may sometimes be necessary. The Board shall have general oversight of the spiritual life of the Church, aid the Pastor in the performance of his duties, control the spiritual and moral use of Church property, and provide Christian instruction and ministry to the Church membership. The Deacons will have authority to disburse money from the Deacons Fund (4%) of the general fund offerings to families that are in financial need. The Pastor and Board of Deacons, shall determine size, make-up, and qualifications, of all committees to be voted on by the Church. The Board of Deacons Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.





Section III. Board of Trustees

There shall be a Board of Trustees elected by the members. The number of Trustees (consisting of an uneven number) shall be determined by the members at the annual meeting. It shall be understood, however, that an even number, may sometimes be necessary. The Trustees shall hold in trust all property of the Church. It is the Trustees’ responsibility to maintain the upkeep of all church property. They shall not sell or encumber the real estate or other property of the Church unless authorized to do so by the Pastor and Deacons, and by a 90% vote of the members present, at a special called business meeting, in accordance with provisions of the laws of the State of Illinois which governs the selling or encumbering of Church property. The Board of Trustee's Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.


Section IV. Pulpit Committee

When the church is in need of a Pastor, a Pulpit Committee shall be appointed by the members, for the purpose of recommending to the Church a desirable candidate for the pulpit. No consideration shall be given by the Church to any candidate who is not first recommended to the Church by the Pulpit Committee.


Section V. Mission Board

There shall be a Mission Board consisting of three members appointed by the Pastor and the Deacon Board. One Deacon will serve as chairman, the other two appointees will be from the membership. The appointments shall be for one year, to be reappointed at the annual meeting. The Mission Board will be responsible for administering the funds (6% of the general fund offerings) and to determine the designated missions. The other two appointees, do not have to hold any other position in the church.



ARTICLE VII – Other Church Employees


Section I. Church employees shall report to the Board of Deacons, with the exception of the Church Janitor(s) and/or groundkeepers. These shall report to the chairman of the Trustee Board.


Section II. Church Janitor(s)

The Church Janitor(s) shall ensure that our facilities meet a high standard of cleanliness that provides for a healthy and inviting environment for members and visitors. The Janitor(s) Job Description is included in the Appendix to the Church By-Laws.





Section I. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Church shall begin on January 1 and close on the last day of December of each year.


Section II. Annual Business Meeting

An annual meeting of the Church shall be held each August. At this meeting, the annual reports of all phases of the Church work shall be made in writing. Election of Officers and Board Members for the coming year shall be voted upon or appointed at this meeting.




Section III. Business Meetings

A regular business meeting shall be held at the close of the 2nd Sunday evening in the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November. However, due to calendar conflicts, it may be scheduled for another Sunday evening. There must be a quorum (2/3rd of current membership) present at any business meeting to conduct business. If a business meeting needs to be held prior to the regular scheduled business meeting, a special meeting will need to be called. Before each business meeting, the Pastor, Deacons, and Trustees must meet. They will bring nothing to the floor until the Pastor, Deacons, and Trustees have come to a consensus. Anything brought from a member, to the floor, must be put in writing and given to the Deacons, at least 10 days in advance of the called meeting.


Section IV. Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the Pastor or by the Chairman of the Board of Deacons. Notice of a special meeting, and its purpose, must be announced at all Church meetings two weeks prior to the date of the special meeting.


Section V. Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper shall be commemorated in the months of January, April, July, October, and at Easter, and Christmas, on a date determined by the Pastor and Board of Deacons.


Section VI. Use of Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall for Marriage Ceremony and Celebrations

The ceremony and celebration of marriage at Lone Oak Baptist Church shall be between one biological man and one biological woman. (07-08-20) (8-11-24)


ARTICLE IX – Amendments


This Constitution/By-Laws may be revised or amended at a special business meeting of the Church on the recommendation of the Pastor and Board of Deacons, provided the date of the meeting and the proposed amendment change have been announced at all Church meetings two weeks prior to the meeting. The proposed amendment change shall be in writing and made available to Church Members two weeks prior to the business meeting. A 90% vote of the members present at the special meeting is necessary to revise or amend this Constitution/By-Laws. Vacation periods and holiday weeks are not considered a viable time for these votes.


Conflict of Interest

When choosing a board or committee, care must be taken in order not to create a conflict of interest or perceived conflict of interest. Family members should not be on the same committee or board. This will include, but not limited to, in-laws, cousins, uncles, and by marriage situations.


Last revision voted by Members on (08-11-24)



























































Senior Pastor Reports to: Board of Deacons





In Accordance with Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) By-Laws:


The Pastor shall have in his care the spiritual and moral welfare of the congregation. He shall preach the word, have charge of all services of public worship, administer the ordinances, and attend to such pastoral duties as may be specified in his call. He shall be ex-officio, non-voting member of all boards, departments and committees.”




The senior Pastor shall lead the congregation in worship services that make the gospel relevant to people’s lives through clarity in preaching and communicating a comprehensive understanding of the Bible and Christian theology.


He shall develop preaching and teaching methods that inspire ad challenge spiritual growth of the congregation and make the gospel attractive to visitors.


He shall set the vision and direction of LOBC, along with the Deacon Board.


He shall train disciples and equip leaders for ministry through personal modeling, mentoring and active programs.


He shall instruct those who seek conversion to faith.


He shall conduct or supervise new membership classes for those interested in joining LOBC.


He shall conduct baptisms.


He shall comfort those in crisis, (i.e., death, sickness, trauma, spiritual need or other significant event), where pastoral care is required.


He shall demonstrate ownership of LOBC objective and shared purpose of the membership through leading by example, involving others in decision making process and actively participating in church activities.








He shall maintain oversight of all religious education programs to ensure that those activities are consistent with the goals and philosophy of LOBC.


He shall lead LOBC to identify and win the lost and un-churched in the local community.


He shall support local, national and world missions.


He shall be ex-officio member of all boards and committees.


He shall preside at all Church meetings, except a provision may be made for a temporary presiding officer at a given meeting. (Deleted 02-07-2018)




The following requirements are representative of the knowledge, skill and abilities required for the LOBC Senior Pastor.


Education and/or Experience


Master of Divinity degree or equivalent, or four years related experience and/or training or equivalent combination of education and experience.


Language Skills


Senior pastor is required to read, analyze and interpret the scripture and related commentary. He is required to respond effectively to sensitive inquiries or complaints and demonstrate ability to write speeches and articles using original or innovative techniques or styles.


Reasoning Ability


Senior Pastor shall have an open mind with flexibility to accept and work with new ideas that are consistent with the scriptures. He shall use sound judgment for assessment of situations and the consequences of actions related to decision making.


Other Skills and Abilities


The Senior Pastor shall exhibit a passion for God and Christ-like spirit as demonstrated by personal and professional life.


He shall possess a capacity for forward planning to lead LOBC in the future.


He shall possess a “Team Spirit” to encourage participation of membership in all LOBC activities.


He shall possess time management skills and organizational ability to manage multiple activities and solve problems.








The Senior Pastor’s salary and associated compensation for travel, telephone and other costs shall be negotiated with the Board of Deacons.


The Senior Pastor shall have two days off during each week with exception of emergency. When the Senior Pastor is required to work during the scheduled days off, he shall be compensated with time off during future scheduled working days. The Senior Pastor shall identify selected days off to the Deacon Board. The Associate Pastor and/or designated Deacon(s) shall be responsible for telephone calls during scheduled days off for the Senior Pastor.


The Senior Pastor shall have two (2) weeks paid vacation each calendar year for the first ten (10) years of service. After ten (10) years of service, one (1) vacation day shall be added for each subsequent year’s service.


The Senior Pastor shall give the Board of Deacons a minimum of one-week notice prior to taking vacation.




The Senior Pastor’s performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Board of Deacons. The first review shall be within six (6) months after accepting the position and subsequent reviews shall be completed annually thereafter.


This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Senior Pastor ________________________________________________________Date__________________________



Board of Deacons ________________________________________________________Date__________________________
















*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.










Reports to: Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons




The Associate Pastor at Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) shall assist the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons in accomplishing our objective to develop a strong church community. Our church goal is to welcome everyone including believer and non-believer to hear the gospel with relevant and practical messages supplemented by southern gospel music.




During execution of his duties, the Associate Pastor shall display the love and grace of Jesus Christ to our church family. Essential duties shall include:


  • Occasional Preaching at Sunday Evening Services

  • Conduct Occasional Wednesday Evening Bible Study

  • Substitute for Senior Pastor in Sunday Morning Services During Senior Pastor Vacation, Absence for Revivals or Illness

  • Occasional Substitution for Sunday School Teachers

  • Coordination with the Youth Leaders to Assist Their Activities as They Require

  • Pastoral Response to Telephone Calls on Pastor’s Day Off or Other Senior Pastor Absence


The Associate Pastor shall be an integral part of the LOBC pastoral team with the Senior Pastor and church officers.


Additional pastoral duties shall include:


  • Hospital Visitation

  • Pastoral Care

  • Teaching




The Associate Pastor ministerial experience shall be reviewed by the Senior Pastor and the Board of Deacons prior to offering position.













The Associate Pastor shall have:


  • Positive Leadership Skills and Attitude

  • Knowledge of Scripture for Leading Bible Study and Teaching Sunday School




The Associate Pastor’s salary and associated compensation for travel, telephone and other costs shall be negotiated with the Senior Pastor and the Board of Deacons.




The Associate Pastor’s performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons. The first review shall be within six (6) months after accepting the position and subsequent reviews shall be completed annually thereafter.



This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Associate Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________


Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________













*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.














Reports to: Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons





The Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) Treasurer shall assist the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons to demonstrate financial responsibility with our tithes and gifts to the Lord. Our church shall pay for our needs, provide for local needy, give to foreign missions and act as a financially responsible member to the community.




The Treasurer’s essential duties shall include:


  • Prompt Payments that May Include Mortgage, Utilities, Insurance, Loans, General Administrative Supplies/Services and Special Services Provided for Maintenance and/or Repair


  • Deposit of Congregation Tithes and Gifts


  • Maintenance of Records for Receipt and Dispersal of Funds (Records shall be updated as funds are received and/or dispersed.)


  • Dispersal of Monthly Mission Funds


  • Dispersal of Deacon Home Mission Funds


  • Presentation of Status for Church Finances at Bi-monthly and Annual Business Meetings


  • Participation in Annual Audit of Financial Records


The Treasurer shall protect the confidentiality of congregational gifts and/or source of other gifts. The Treasurer may identify the source of the gift with permission of benefactor.


The Treasurer shall communicate anticipated problems related to church financial status to the Board of Deacons.











The LOBC Treasurer shall demonstrate bookkeeping skills and maintenance of financial records. The Treasurer shall have capability to use electronic, (Microsoft, Excel or equivalent) spreadsheets for the financial records and the preparation of reports. These records may be supported with paper files.




The Treasurer’s compensation for travel, shall be negotiated with the Senior Pastor and the Board of Deacons.




The Treasurer’s performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons. The first review shall be within six (6) months after accepting the position and subsequent reviews shall be completed annually thereafter.



This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Treasurer ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________


Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________













*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.















Reports to: Senior Pastor, Board of Deacons and Congregation




The Lone Oak Baptist (LOBC) Board of Trustees shall assist the Senior Pastor, Board of Deacons and Congregation in maintenance of the church physical property.




The Board of Trustees’ essential duties shall include:


  • Annual appointment of a Chairman to be leader and spokesman for the board


  • Regularly scheduled meetings to review church needs and plan for maintenance/repair activities


  • Oversight of maintenance, repair and replacement of church equipment, buildings and property, including:


    • Heating and ventilation

    • Lawn mowing

    • Weed eating

    • Parking cleanliness and access (snow/ice removal)


  • Budgetary estimate for annual maintenance expenditures for church equipment, buildings, and property


  • Identification of specialized requirements and arrangement to engage outside assistance as necessary to solve specialized problems


  • Oversight of expenditure of funds within the church budget for maintenance, repair and replacement, (Expenditures over $500.00 shall require congregational approval at the Church Business Meeting)








Members of the LOBC Board of Trustees shall demonstrate aptitude for identification and repair of minor facility and equipment problems. Major problems shall be repaired or replaced by specialists engaged by the Trustees.






The Board of Trustees’ performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons.


This document does not create or imply an employment contract.




Board of Trustees ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________












Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________















1*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.










Reports to: Congregation and Senior Pastor




The Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) Board of Deacons shall assist the Senior Pastor in his care and support of the spiritual and moral welfare of the congregation. The Board of Deacons shall free the pastor to preach the word, administer the ordinances and complete his pastoral duties.




The Board of Deacons’ essential duties shall include:


  • Annual appointment of a Chairman to be leader and spokesman for the board


  • Protection of Church (Services and Activities)


  • Regularly scheduled meetings to attend to church needs


  • Select pastoral duties with concurrence of Pastor to free the Pastor and Associate Pastor to complete their duties


  • Promotion of the spiritual welfare and discipline of the church


  • Assistance in observance of the Lord’s Supper


  • Assistance in visitation and evangelism to promote church growth


  • Programs and activities to encourage attendance of all members


  • Dispersal of funds from Deacon’s Home Mission fund to assist the needy


  • Oversight of church finances and guidance for the church treasurer


  • The Board of Deacons shall designate a person to conduct all business meetings. (Added 02/07/2018)




Education and/or Experience


Members of the Board of Deacons shall continue study of the Scripture for guidance to arrive at the Board’s decisions.


Language Skills


The members of the Deacon Board shall respond effectively to sensitive inquiries or complaints and document those situations as required.


Reasoning Ability


The members of the Board of Deacons shall have an open mind with flexibility to accept and work with new ideas that are consistent with the scriptures. They shall use sound judgment for assessment of situations and the consequences of actions related to decision making.


Other Skills and Abilities


The members of the Board of Deacons shall exhibit a passion for God and Christ-like spirit as demonstrated by personal and professional life.


They shall possess a capacity for forward planning to lead LOBC into the future.


They shall possess a “Team Spirit” to encourage participation of membership in all LOBC activities.


They shall possess time management skills and organizational ability to manage multiple activities and solve problems.




The members of the Board of Deacons performance shall be subject to continuous review by the Pastor and Congregation.


This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________












1*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.











Reports to: The Chairman of the Trustee Board.





The Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) Janitor(s) shall clean the sanctuary, fellowship room, Sunday school classrooms, restrooms and hallways to assure a sanitary environment and present our church in a way that will always welcome visitors.




The duties of the Janitor(s) are summarized in the following table with a recommended time budget.


Room or Location

Weekly Cleaning Description




Entry and Narthex





Sweep and Mop



Clean Table Tops



Sweep Outside Entry





2 Restrooms at Entry




Clean Porcelain Fixtures and Dry



Clean Sink Surfaces



Mop Floor (sweep as required) with Disinfectant



Clean and Dry Mirrors



Empty Waste Cans





Pastors Office/Study




Vacuum Floors



Dust Furniture



Empty Waste Can






Vacuum Floors



Collect Litter/Empty Waste Can



Wipe Down Tables





Hallways to Classrooms




Sweep and Mop



Clean Water Fountains with Disinfectant







Room or Location

Weekly Cleaning Description




Sunday School Office








Vacuum Floor



Dust Furniture, Computer Monitor and Tower





2 Restrooms at Fellowship Room




Clean Porcelain Fixtures and Dry



Clean Sink Surfaces/Changing Table with Disinfectant



Mop Floor (sweep as required) with Disinfectant



Clean and Dry Mirrors



Empty Waste Cans





Sunday School Classrooms




Wipe Down Tables



Sweep Floors



Mop Floors as Necessary



Collect Litter/Empty Waste Cans









Collect Litter/Empty Waste Cans



Vacuum Floors



Dust Furniture/Wipe Applicable Surfaces with










Collect Litter/Arrange Fans, Song Guides, Song Books and Visitor Cards



Vacuum Floor



Spot Clean Rug as Necessary





Fellowship Room




Clean Table Tops



Collect Litter/Empty Waste Cans



Sweep and Mop



Sweep Outside Entry



Total Hours














The Janitor’s performance shall be subject to continuous review by the Congregation. A performance review shall be completed with the Board of Deacons after the first 90 days and annually thereafter.



This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Janitor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Janitor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________













1*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.































Reports to: Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons






The Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) Clerk shall maintain the official records of our church body meetings and activities.




The Clerk’s essential duties shall include:


  • Maintenance for Church Membership File Records


  • Maintenance of Baptismal File Records


  • Record of Minutes for Special and Regular Church Business Meetings


  • Report of Minutes at Meetings




The LOBC Clerk shall have note taking skills and filing skills. Familiarity and use of computer word processing software is desired.





The Clerk’s performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons. The first review shall be within six (6) months after accepting the position and subsequent reviews shall be completed annually thereafter.














This document does not create or imply an employment contract.




Church Clerk ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________




Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________




Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________













*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.








































The name of this church shall be Lone Oak Baptist Church of Energy, Illinois.


ARTICLE II – Purpose


The purpose of this Church shall be to maintain public services for the worship of God and for the teaching and preaching of the Gospel, and in general to promote the interests of the Kingdom of God according to the teachings of Christ.


ARTICLE III – Denominational Affiliations


Section I. Cooperation with Other Bodies:

The Church’s government is vested in the body which is composed of the members. The Church recognizes its obligation and privilege to cooperate with other religious bodies having the same general objectives. The Church is of Baptist faith but at present is not a member of any Baptist association and does not have an affiliation with a worldwide parish. (09/14/05). The Church may affiliate with a like-minded denomination with the approval of the Pastor and Deacon board. This would then require a special business meeting and require a 90% vote from the members present. The Deacons should make all efforts to ensure the majority of church members could be present. Vacation periods and holiday weeks are not considered a viable time.


Section II. Declaration of Doctrine and Principles:

This church receives the entire Bible as an all-sufficient basis of doctrine and practices. The King James Version will be the basis that our doctrine and practices will come from. As a summary of principles for Christian conduct among its members, it adopts the Church Covenant commonly accepted by conservative Baptist Churches. Lone Oak Baptist Church of Energy, Illinois covenant is as follows:



Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we do now, in the presence of God, angels and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.


We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this Church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the Church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel through all nations.


We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; as listed in Proverbs 6: 16-19, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the Kingdom of our Savior.



We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling, and courteous in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay.


We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other Church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.



ARTICLE IV – Membership


Section I: To be a Member of this Church:

  1. A person must confess Jesus Christ to be their Savior and Lord, and promise to live a

Christian life.

  1. A person must accept and agree to the church covenant and by-laws.

  2. According to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 a person must engage in a Biblical-based lifestyle.

  3. A person must be received by vote of the Church.

  4. A person must present satisfactory proof that they have been baptized or is a candidate for baptism. If the person has been previously baptized and is satisfied with their baptism this will be accepted. If the person has not been baptized, to become a member they must be willing to be baptized by immersion.


Section II. Dismissal from this Church shall be:

  1. By death.

  2. By letter. Any Member in good and regular standing who desires a letter of dismissal and recommendation to any other Church is entitled to receive it upon his/her request. The name of the Church to which membership is to be transferred must be indicated in the request, and the letter shall be sent to the Pastor or clerk of that Church. This letter shall be valid as a recommendation for six (6) months only from its date, unless renewed and this restriction shall be stated in the letter.

  3. By exclusion. In all cases involving gross immorality, and in case of delinquency through failure to comply with covenant obligations, members may be excluded, when it is so recommended by the Deacons and approved by vote of the members.


Section III. Voting Age of Members:

  1. All members must have attained the age of eighteen (18) in order to vote on any church proposals. Added (07-12-2015)

  2. An active voting member is one who attends regularly, and believes that they are living their life for Christ.

  3. An active member is required to have held church membership for at least 2 business meetings, prior to voting on any matter.


ARTICLE V – Officers


Section I. Church officers, as listed below, shall be elected or appointed as provided for in this article. (09-09-81)


Section II.

All officers shall be a Member of the Church and elected by the members of the Church at the annual meeting. The date of the annual meeting shall be in August of each year.


The Pastor shall be called for a one-year period by the Church membership upon the recommendation of a Pulpit Committee. His election shall be by secret vote of members at a special meeting of the Church the first (1st) year, provided notice of intention to vote on the calling or rehiring of a Pastor at such a meeting has been given at all Church meetings during the two preceding weeks. After the first year, voting on the Pastor would not be necessary if the Pastor feels called to continue and the Church is satisfied with the Pastor. Pastor or Church may terminate this agreement with a sixty (60) day notice of intention to do so, in writing. A 90% majority of members present and voting at the special called meeting shall determine the outcome of the election. (8-11-24). The Pastor and/or Pastors must be members and in good standing with this church.


Pastor and Deacon Job Description Amended (02/07/2018)


Section III. Officers and their Duties.

  1. Senior Pastor. The duties of the Senior Pastor shall be those common to such office in Baptist churches. The Senior Pastor Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.

  2. Associate Pastor. The Associate Pastor shall assist the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons in accomplishing our objective to develop a strong church community. The Associate Pastor Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.

  3. Church Clerk. The Clerk shall enter upon the records of the Church current events in the life of the Church that are likely to be of historical value, thus making the Church records a continuous story of the history of the Church. The Church Clerk Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.

  4. Local Expense Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all local expense funds belonging to the Church except those provided otherwise. The Treasurer Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.

  5. Church School Officers. A Sunday School Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected at an annual meeting. Church School Officers have general supervision of the Sunday School. They shall serve under the direction of the Board of Deacons. All Church School Officers and Sunday School Teachers must be members of this Church.


ARTICLE VI – Boards and Committees


Section I.

All members of the boards and committees of this Church shall be members in good standing. Each board or committee will elect their own Chairman unless otherwise designated.


Section II. Board of Deacons.

There shall be a Board of Deacons elected by the members. The number of Deacons (consisting of an uneven number) shall be determined by the members at the annual meeting. It shall be understood, however, that an even number, may sometimes be necessary. The Board shall have general oversight of the spiritual life of the Church, aid the Pastor in the performance of his duties, control the spiritual and moral use of Church property, and provide Christian instruction and ministry to the Church membership. The Deacons will have authority to disburse money from the Deacons Fund (4%) of the general fund offerings to families that are in financial need. The Pastor and Board of Deacons, shall determine size, make-up, and qualifications, of all committees to be voted on by the Church. The Board of Deacons Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.





Section III. Board of Trustees

There shall be a Board of Trustees elected by the members. The number of Trustees (consisting of an uneven number) shall be determined by the members at the annual meeting. It shall be understood, however, that an even number, may sometimes be necessary. The Trustees shall hold in trust all property of the Church. It is the Trustees’ responsibility to maintain the upkeep of all church property. They shall not sell or encumber the real estate or other property of the Church unless authorized to do so by the Pastor and Deacons, and by a 90% vote of the members present, at a special called business meeting, in accordance with provisions of the laws of the State of Illinois which governs the selling or encumbering of Church property. The Board of Trustee's Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.


Section IV. Pulpit Committee

When the church is in need of a Pastor, a Pulpit Committee shall be appointed by the members, for the purpose of recommending to the Church a desirable candidate for the pulpit. No consideration shall be given by the Church to any candidate who is not first recommended to the Church by the Pulpit Committee.


Section V. Mission Board

There shall be a Mission Board consisting of three members appointed by the Pastor and the Deacon Board. One Deacon will serve as chairman, the other two appointees will be from the membership. The appointments shall be for one year, to be reappointed at the annual meeting. The Mission Board will be responsible for administering the funds (6% of the general fund offerings) and to determine the designated missions. The other two appointees, do not have to hold any other position in the church.



ARTICLE VII – Other Church Employees


Section I. Church employees shall report to the Board of Deacons, with the exception of the Church Janitor(s) and/or groundkeepers. These shall report to the chairman of the Trustee Board.


Section II. Church Janitor(s)

The Church Janitor(s) shall ensure that our facilities meet a high standard of cleanliness that provides for a healthy and inviting environment for members and visitors. The Janitor(s) Job Description is included in the Appendix to the Church By-Laws.





Section I. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Church shall begin on January 1 and close on the last day of December of each year.


Section II. Annual Business Meeting

An annual meeting of the Church shall be held each August. At this meeting, the annual reports of all phases of the Church work shall be made in writing. Election of Officers and Board Members for the coming year shall be voted upon or appointed at this meeting.




Section III. Business Meetings

A regular business meeting shall be held at the close of the 2nd Sunday evening in the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November. However, due to calendar conflicts, it may be scheduled for another Sunday evening. There must be a quorum (2/3rd of current membership) present at any business meeting to conduct business. If a business meeting needs to be held prior to the regular scheduled business meeting, a special meeting will need to be called. Before each business meeting, the Pastor, Deacons, and Trustees must meet. They will bring nothing to the floor until the Pastor, Deacons, and Trustees have come to a consensus. Anything brought from a member, to the floor, must be put in writing and given to the Deacons, at least 10 days in advance of the called meeting.


Section IV. Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the Pastor or by the Chairman of the Board of Deacons. Notice of a special meeting, and its purpose, must be announced at all Church meetings two weeks prior to the date of the special meeting.


Section V. Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper shall be commemorated in the months of January, April, July, October, and at Easter, and Christmas, on a date determined by the Pastor and Board of Deacons.


Section VI. Use of Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall for Marriage Ceremony and Celebrations

The ceremony and celebration of marriage at Lone Oak Baptist Church shall be between one biological man and one biological woman. (07-08-20) (8-11-24)


ARTICLE IX – Amendments


This Constitution/By-Laws may be revised or amended at a special business meeting of the Church on the recommendation of the Pastor and Board of Deacons, provided the date of the meeting and the proposed amendment change have been announced at all Church meetings two weeks prior to the meeting. The proposed amendment change shall be in writing and made available to Church Members two weeks prior to the business meeting. A 90% vote of the members present at the special meeting is necessary to revise or amend this Constitution/By-Laws. Vacation periods and holiday weeks are not considered a viable time for these votes.


Conflict of Interest

When choosing a board or committee, care must be taken in order not to create a conflict of interest or perceived conflict of interest. Family members should not be on the same committee or board. This will include, but not limited to, in-laws, cousins, uncles, and by marriage situations.


Last revision voted by Members on (08-11-24)



























































Senior Pastor Reports to: Board of Deacons





In Accordance with Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) By-Laws:


The Pastor shall have in his care the spiritual and moral welfare of the congregation. He shall preach the word, have charge of all services of public worship, administer the ordinances, and attend to such pastoral duties as may be specified in his call. He shall be ex-officio, non-voting member of all boards, departments and committees.”




The senior Pastor shall lead the congregation in worship services that make the gospel relevant to people’s lives through clarity in preaching and communicating a comprehensive understanding of the Bible and Christian theology.


He shall develop preaching and teaching methods that inspire ad challenge spiritual growth of the congregation and make the gospel attractive to visitors.


He shall set the vision and direction of LOBC, along with the Deacon Board.


He shall train disciples and equip leaders for ministry through personal modeling, mentoring and active programs.


He shall instruct those who seek conversion to faith.


He shall conduct or supervise new membership classes for those interested in joining LOBC.


He shall conduct baptisms.


He shall comfort those in crisis, (i.e., death, sickness, trauma, spiritual need or other significant event), where pastoral care is required.


He shall demonstrate ownership of LOBC objective and shared purpose of the membership through leading by example, involving others in decision making process and actively participating in church activities.








He shall maintain oversight of all religious education programs to ensure that those activities are consistent with the goals and philosophy of LOBC.


He shall lead LOBC to identify and win the lost and un-churched in the local community.


He shall support local, national and world missions.


He shall be ex-officio member of all boards and committees.


He shall preside at all Church meetings, except a provision may be made for a temporary presiding officer at a given meeting. (Deleted 02-07-2018)




The following requirements are representative of the knowledge, skill and abilities required for the LOBC Senior Pastor.


Education and/or Experience


Master of Divinity degree or equivalent, or four years related experience and/or training or equivalent combination of education and experience.


Language Skills


Senior pastor is required to read, analyze and interpret the scripture and related commentary. He is required to respond effectively to sensitive inquiries or complaints and demonstrate ability to write speeches and articles using original or innovative techniques or styles.


Reasoning Ability


Senior Pastor shall have an open mind with flexibility to accept and work with new ideas that are consistent with the scriptures. He shall use sound judgment for assessment of situations and the consequences of actions related to decision making.


Other Skills and Abilities


The Senior Pastor shall exhibit a passion for God and Christ-like spirit as demonstrated by personal and professional life.


He shall possess a capacity for forward planning to lead LOBC in the future.


He shall possess a “Team Spirit” to encourage participation of membership in all LOBC activities.


He shall possess time management skills and organizational ability to manage multiple activities and solve problems.








The Senior Pastor’s salary and associated compensation for travel, telephone and other costs shall be negotiated with the Board of Deacons.


The Senior Pastor shall have two days off during each week with exception of emergency. When the Senior Pastor is required to work during the scheduled days off, he shall be compensated with time off during future scheduled working days. The Senior Pastor shall identify selected days off to the Deacon Board. The Associate Pastor and/or designated Deacon(s) shall be responsible for telephone calls during scheduled days off for the Senior Pastor.


The Senior Pastor shall have two (2) weeks paid vacation each calendar year for the first ten (10) years of service. After ten (10) years of service, one (1) vacation day shall be added for each subsequent year’s service.


The Senior Pastor shall give the Board of Deacons a minimum of one-week notice prior to taking vacation.




The Senior Pastor’s performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Board of Deacons. The first review shall be within six (6) months after accepting the position and subsequent reviews shall be completed annually thereafter.


This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Senior Pastor ________________________________________________________Date__________________________



Board of Deacons ________________________________________________________Date__________________________
















*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.










Reports to: Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons




The Associate Pastor at Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) shall assist the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons in accomplishing our objective to develop a strong church community. Our church goal is to welcome everyone including believer and non-believer to hear the gospel with relevant and practical messages supplemented by southern gospel music.




During execution of his duties, the Associate Pastor shall display the love and grace of Jesus Christ to our church family. Essential duties shall include:


  • Occasional Preaching at Sunday Evening Services

  • Conduct Occasional Wednesday Evening Bible Study

  • Substitute for Senior Pastor in Sunday Morning Services During Senior Pastor Vacation, Absence for Revivals or Illness

  • Occasional Substitution for Sunday School Teachers

  • Coordination with the Youth Leaders to Assist Their Activities as They Require

  • Pastoral Response to Telephone Calls on Pastor’s Day Off or Other Senior Pastor Absence


The Associate Pastor shall be an integral part of the LOBC pastoral team with the Senior Pastor and church officers.


Additional pastoral duties shall include:


  • Hospital Visitation

  • Pastoral Care

  • Teaching




The Associate Pastor ministerial experience shall be reviewed by the Senior Pastor and the Board of Deacons prior to offering position.













The Associate Pastor shall have:


  • Positive Leadership Skills and Attitude

  • Knowledge of Scripture for Leading Bible Study and Teaching Sunday School




The Associate Pastor’s salary and associated compensation for travel, telephone and other costs shall be negotiated with the Senior Pastor and the Board of Deacons.




The Associate Pastor’s performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons. The first review shall be within six (6) months after accepting the position and subsequent reviews shall be completed annually thereafter.



This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Associate Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________


Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________













*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.














Reports to: Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons





The Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) Treasurer shall assist the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons to demonstrate financial responsibility with our tithes and gifts to the Lord. Our church shall pay for our needs, provide for local needy, give to foreign missions and act as a financially responsible member to the community.




The Treasurer’s essential duties shall include:


  • Prompt Payments that May Include Mortgage, Utilities, Insurance, Loans, General Administrative Supplies/Services and Special Services Provided for Maintenance and/or Repair


  • Deposit of Congregation Tithes and Gifts


  • Maintenance of Records for Receipt and Dispersal of Funds (Records shall be updated as funds are received and/or dispersed.)


  • Dispersal of Monthly Mission Funds


  • Dispersal of Deacon Home Mission Funds


  • Presentation of Status for Church Finances at Bi-monthly and Annual Business Meetings


  • Participation in Annual Audit of Financial Records


The Treasurer shall protect the confidentiality of congregational gifts and/or source of other gifts. The Treasurer may identify the source of the gift with permission of benefactor.


The Treasurer shall communicate anticipated problems related to church financial status to the Board of Deacons.











The LOBC Treasurer shall demonstrate bookkeeping skills and maintenance of financial records. The Treasurer shall have capability to use electronic, (Microsoft, Excel or equivalent) spreadsheets for the financial records and the preparation of reports. These records may be supported with paper files.




The Treasurer’s compensation for travel, shall be negotiated with the Senior Pastor and the Board of Deacons.




The Treasurer’s performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons. The first review shall be within six (6) months after accepting the position and subsequent reviews shall be completed annually thereafter.



This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Treasurer ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________


Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________













*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.















Reports to: Senior Pastor, Board of Deacons and Congregation




The Lone Oak Baptist (LOBC) Board of Trustees shall assist the Senior Pastor, Board of Deacons and Congregation in maintenance of the church physical property.




The Board of Trustees’ essential duties shall include:


  • Annual appointment of a Chairman to be leader and spokesman for the board


  • Regularly scheduled meetings to review church needs and plan for maintenance/repair activities


  • Oversight of maintenance, repair and replacement of church equipment, buildings and property, including:


    • Heating and ventilation

    • Lawn mowing

    • Weed eating

    • Parking cleanliness and access (snow/ice removal)


  • Budgetary estimate for annual maintenance expenditures for church equipment, buildings, and property


  • Identification of specialized requirements and arrangement to engage outside assistance as necessary to solve specialized problems


  • Oversight of expenditure of funds within the church budget for maintenance, repair and replacement, (Expenditures over $500.00 shall require congregational approval at the Church Business Meeting)








Members of the LOBC Board of Trustees shall demonstrate aptitude for identification and repair of minor facility and equipment problems. Major problems shall be repaired or replaced by specialists engaged by the Trustees.






The Board of Trustees’ performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons.


This document does not create or imply an employment contract.




Board of Trustees ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________












Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________















1*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.










Reports to: Congregation and Senior Pastor




The Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) Board of Deacons shall assist the Senior Pastor in his care and support of the spiritual and moral welfare of the congregation. The Board of Deacons shall free the pastor to preach the word, administer the ordinances and complete his pastoral duties.




The Board of Deacons’ essential duties shall include:


  • Annual appointment of a Chairman to be leader and spokesman for the board


  • Protection of Church (Services and Activities)


  • Regularly scheduled meetings to attend to church needs


  • Select pastoral duties with concurrence of Pastor to free the Pastor and Associate Pastor to complete their duties


  • Promotion of the spiritual welfare and discipline of the church


  • Assistance in observance of the Lord’s Supper


  • Assistance in visitation and evangelism to promote church growth


  • Programs and activities to encourage attendance of all members


  • Dispersal of funds from Deacon’s Home Mission fund to assist the needy


  • Oversight of church finances and guidance for the church treasurer


  • The Board of Deacons shall designate a person to conduct all business meetings. (Added 02/07/2018)




Education and/or Experience


Members of the Board of Deacons shall continue study of the Scripture for guidance to arrive at the Board’s decisions.


Language Skills


The members of the Deacon Board shall respond effectively to sensitive inquiries or complaints and document those situations as required.


Reasoning Ability


The members of the Board of Deacons shall have an open mind with flexibility to accept and work with new ideas that are consistent with the scriptures. They shall use sound judgment for assessment of situations and the consequences of actions related to decision making.


Other Skills and Abilities


The members of the Board of Deacons shall exhibit a passion for God and Christ-like spirit as demonstrated by personal and professional life.


They shall possess a capacity for forward planning to lead LOBC into the future.


They shall possess a “Team Spirit” to encourage participation of membership in all LOBC activities.


They shall possess time management skills and organizational ability to manage multiple activities and solve problems.




The members of the Board of Deacons performance shall be subject to continuous review by the Pastor and Congregation.


This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________












1*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.











Reports to: The Chairman of the Trustee Board.





The Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) Janitor(s) shall clean the sanctuary, fellowship room, Sunday school classrooms, restrooms and hallways to assure a sanitary environment and present our church in a way that will always welcome visitors.




The duties of the Janitor(s) are summarized in the following table with a recommended time budget.


Room or Location

Weekly Cleaning Description




Entry and Narthex





Sweep and Mop



Clean Table Tops



Sweep Outside Entry





2 Restrooms at Entry




Clean Porcelain Fixtures and Dry



Clean Sink Surfaces



Mop Floor (sweep as required) with Disinfectant



Clean and Dry Mirrors



Empty Waste Cans





Pastors Office/Study




Vacuum Floors



Dust Furniture



Empty Waste Can






Vacuum Floors



Collect Litter/Empty Waste Can



Wipe Down Tables





Hallways to Classrooms




Sweep and Mop



Clean Water Fountains with Disinfectant







Room or Location

Weekly Cleaning Description




Sunday School Office








Vacuum Floor



Dust Furniture, Computer Monitor and Tower





2 Restrooms at Fellowship Room




Clean Porcelain Fixtures and Dry



Clean Sink Surfaces/Changing Table with Disinfectant



Mop Floor (sweep as required) with Disinfectant



Clean and Dry Mirrors



Empty Waste Cans





Sunday School Classrooms




Wipe Down Tables



Sweep Floors



Mop Floors as Necessary



Collect Litter/Empty Waste Cans









Collect Litter/Empty Waste Cans



Vacuum Floors



Dust Furniture/Wipe Applicable Surfaces with










Collect Litter/Arrange Fans, Song Guides, Song Books and Visitor Cards



Vacuum Floor



Spot Clean Rug as Necessary





Fellowship Room




Clean Table Tops



Collect Litter/Empty Waste Cans



Sweep and Mop



Sweep Outside Entry



Total Hours














The Janitor’s performance shall be subject to continuous review by the Congregation. A performance review shall be completed with the Board of Deacons after the first 90 days and annually thereafter.



This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Janitor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Janitor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________













1*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.































Reports to: Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons






The Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) Clerk shall maintain the official records of our church body meetings and activities.




The Clerk’s essential duties shall include:


  • Maintenance for Church Membership File Records


  • Maintenance of Baptismal File Records


  • Record of Minutes for Special and Regular Church Business Meetings


  • Report of Minutes at Meetings




The LOBC Clerk shall have note taking skills and filing skills. Familiarity and use of computer word processing software is desired.





The Clerk’s performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons. The first review shall be within six (6) months after accepting the position and subsequent reviews shall be completed annually thereafter.














This document does not create or imply an employment contract.




Church Clerk ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________




Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________




Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________













*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.




































The name of this church shall be Lone Oak Baptist Church of Energy, Illinois.


ARTICLE II – Purpose


The purpose of this Church shall be to maintain public services for the worship of God and for the teaching and preaching of the Gospel, and in general to promote the interests of the Kingdom of God according to the teachings of Christ.


ARTICLE III – Denominational Affiliations


Section I. Cooperation with Other Bodies:

The Church’s government is vested in the body which is composed of the members. The Church recognizes its obligation and privilege to cooperate with other religious bodies having the same general objectives. The Church is of Baptist faith but at present is not a member of any Baptist association and does not have an affiliation with a worldwide parish. (09/14/05). The Church may affiliate with a like-minded denomination with the approval of the Pastor and Deacon board. This would then require a special business meeting and require a 90% vote from the members present. The Deacons should make all efforts to ensure the majority of church members could be present. Vacation periods and holiday weeks are not considered a viable time.


Section II. Declaration of Doctrine and Principles:

This church receives the entire Bible as an all-sufficient basis of doctrine and practices. The King James Version will be the basis that our doctrine and practices will come from. As a summary of principles for Christian conduct among its members, it adopts the Church Covenant commonly accepted by conservative Baptist Churches. Lone Oak Baptist Church of Energy, Illinois covenant is as follows:



Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we do now, in the presence of God, angels and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.


We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this Church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the Church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel through all nations.


We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; as listed in Proverbs 6: 16-19, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the Kingdom of our Savior.



We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling, and courteous in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay.


We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other Church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.



ARTICLE IV – Membership


Section I: To be a Member of this Church:

  1. A person must confess Jesus Christ to be their Savior and Lord, and promise to live a

Christian life.

  1. A person must accept and agree to the church covenant and by-laws.

  2. According to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 a person must engage in a Biblical-based lifestyle.

  3. A person must be received by vote of the Church.

  4. A person must present satisfactory proof that they have been baptized or is a candidate for baptism. If the person has been previously baptized and is satisfied with their baptism this will be accepted. If the person has not been baptized, to become a member they must be willing to be baptized by immersion.


Section II. Dismissal from this Church shall be:

  1. By death.

  2. By letter. Any Member in good and regular standing who desires a letter of dismissal and recommendation to any other Church is entitled to receive it upon his/her request. The name of the Church to which membership is to be transferred must be indicated in the request, and the letter shall be sent to the Pastor or clerk of that Church. This letter shall be valid as a recommendation for six (6) months only from its date, unless renewed and this restriction shall be stated in the letter.

  3. By exclusion. In all cases involving gross immorality, and in case of delinquency through failure to comply with covenant obligations, members may be excluded, when it is so recommended by the Deacons and approved by vote of the members.


Section III. Voting Age of Members:

  1. All members must have attained the age of eighteen (18) in order to vote on any church proposals. Added (07-12-2015)

  2. An active voting member is one who attends regularly, and believes that they are living their life for Christ.

  3. An active member is required to have held church membership for at least 2 business meetings, prior to voting on any matter.


ARTICLE V – Officers


Section I. Church officers, as listed below, shall be elected or appointed as provided for in this article. (09-09-81)


Section II.

All officers shall be a Member of the Church and elected by the members of the Church at the annual meeting. The date of the annual meeting shall be in August of each year.


The Pastor shall be called for a one-year period by the Church membership upon the recommendation of a Pulpit Committee. His election shall be by secret vote of members at a special meeting of the Church the first (1st) year, provided notice of intention to vote on the calling or rehiring of a Pastor at such a meeting has been given at all Church meetings during the two preceding weeks. After the first year, voting on the Pastor would not be necessary if the Pastor feels called to continue and the Church is satisfied with the Pastor. Pastor or Church may terminate this agreement with a sixty (60) day notice of intention to do so, in writing. A 90% majority of members present and voting at the special called meeting shall determine the outcome of the election. (8-11-24). The Pastor and/or Pastors must be members and in good standing with this church.


Pastor and Deacon Job Description Amended (02/07/2018)


Section III. Officers and their Duties.

  1. Senior Pastor. The duties of the Senior Pastor shall be those common to such office in Baptist churches. The Senior Pastor Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.

  2. Associate Pastor. The Associate Pastor shall assist the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons in accomplishing our objective to develop a strong church community. The Associate Pastor Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.

  3. Church Clerk. The Clerk shall enter upon the records of the Church current events in the life of the Church that are likely to be of historical value, thus making the Church records a continuous story of the history of the Church. The Church Clerk Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.

  4. Local Expense Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all local expense funds belonging to the Church except those provided otherwise. The Treasurer Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.

  5. Church School Officers. A Sunday School Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected at an annual meeting. Church School Officers have general supervision of the Sunday School. They shall serve under the direction of the Board of Deacons. All Church School Officers and Sunday School Teachers must be members of this Church.


ARTICLE VI – Boards and Committees


Section I.

All members of the boards and committees of this Church shall be members in good standing. Each board or committee will elect their own Chairman unless otherwise designated.


Section II. Board of Deacons.

There shall be a Board of Deacons elected by the members. The number of Deacons (consisting of an uneven number) shall be determined by the members at the annual meeting. It shall be understood, however, that an even number, may sometimes be necessary. The Board shall have general oversight of the spiritual life of the Church, aid the Pastor in the performance of his duties, control the spiritual and moral use of Church property, and provide Christian instruction and ministry to the Church membership. The Deacons will have authority to disburse money from the Deacons Fund (4%) of the general fund offerings to families that are in financial need. The Pastor and Board of Deacons, shall determine size, make-up, and qualifications, of all committees to be voted on by the Church. The Board of Deacons Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.





Section III. Board of Trustees

There shall be a Board of Trustees elected by the members. The number of Trustees (consisting of an uneven number) shall be determined by the members at the annual meeting. It shall be understood, however, that an even number, may sometimes be necessary. The Trustees shall hold in trust all property of the Church. It is the Trustees’ responsibility to maintain the upkeep of all church property. They shall not sell or encumber the real estate or other property of the Church unless authorized to do so by the Pastor and Deacons, and by a 90% vote of the members present, at a special called business meeting, in accordance with provisions of the laws of the State of Illinois which governs the selling or encumbering of Church property. The Board of Trustee's Job Description is included in the Appendix to these Church By-Laws.


Section IV. Pulpit Committee

When the church is in need of a Pastor, a Pulpit Committee shall be appointed by the members, for the purpose of recommending to the Church a desirable candidate for the pulpit. No consideration shall be given by the Church to any candidate who is not first recommended to the Church by the Pulpit Committee.


Section V. Mission Board

There shall be a Mission Board consisting of three members appointed by the Pastor and the Deacon Board. One Deacon will serve as chairman, the other two appointees will be from the membership. The appointments shall be for one year, to be reappointed at the annual meeting. The Mission Board will be responsible for administering the funds (6% of the general fund offerings) and to determine the designated missions. The other two appointees, do not have to hold any other position in the church.



ARTICLE VII – Other Church Employees


Section I. Church employees shall report to the Board of Deacons, with the exception of the Church Janitor(s) and/or groundkeepers. These shall report to the chairman of the Trustee Board.


Section II. Church Janitor(s)

The Church Janitor(s) shall ensure that our facilities meet a high standard of cleanliness that provides for a healthy and inviting environment for members and visitors. The Janitor(s) Job Description is included in the Appendix to the Church By-Laws.





Section I. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Church shall begin on January 1 and close on the last day of December of each year.


Section II. Annual Business Meeting

An annual meeting of the Church shall be held each August. At this meeting, the annual reports of all phases of the Church work shall be made in writing. Election of Officers and Board Members for the coming year shall be voted upon or appointed at this meeting.




Section III. Business Meetings

A regular business meeting shall be held at the close of the 2nd Sunday evening in the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November. However, due to calendar conflicts, it may be scheduled for another Sunday evening. There must be a quorum (2/3rd of current membership) present at any business meeting to conduct business. If a business meeting needs to be held prior to the regular scheduled business meeting, a special meeting will need to be called. Before each business meeting, the Pastor, Deacons, and Trustees must meet. They will bring nothing to the floor until the Pastor, Deacons, and Trustees have come to a consensus. Anything brought from a member, to the floor, must be put in writing and given to the Deacons, at least 10 days in advance of the called meeting.


Section IV. Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the Pastor or by the Chairman of the Board of Deacons. Notice of a special meeting, and its purpose, must be announced at all Church meetings two weeks prior to the date of the special meeting.


Section V. Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper shall be commemorated in the months of January, April, July, October, and at Easter, and Christmas, on a date determined by the Pastor and Board of Deacons.


Section VI. Use of Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall for Marriage Ceremony and Celebrations

The ceremony and celebration of marriage at Lone Oak Baptist Church shall be between one biological man and one biological woman. (07-08-20) (8-11-24)


ARTICLE IX – Amendments


This Constitution/By-Laws may be revised or amended at a special business meeting of the Church on the recommendation of the Pastor and Board of Deacons, provided the date of the meeting and the proposed amendment change have been announced at all Church meetings two weeks prior to the meeting. The proposed amendment change shall be in writing and made available to Church Members two weeks prior to the business meeting. A 90% vote of the members present at the special meeting is necessary to revise or amend this Constitution/By-Laws. Vacation periods and holiday weeks are not considered a viable time for these votes.


Conflict of Interest

When choosing a board or committee, care must be taken in order not to create a conflict of interest or perceived conflict of interest. Family members should not be on the same committee or board. This will include, but not limited to, in-laws, cousins, uncles, and by marriage situations.


Last revision voted by Members on (08-11-24)



























































Senior Pastor Reports to: Board of Deacons





In Accordance with Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) By-Laws:


The Pastor shall have in his care the spiritual and moral welfare of the congregation. He shall preach the word, have charge of all services of public worship, administer the ordinances, and attend to such pastoral duties as may be specified in his call. He shall be ex-officio, non-voting member of all boards, departments and committees.”




The senior Pastor shall lead the congregation in worship services that make the gospel relevant to people’s lives through clarity in preaching and communicating a comprehensive understanding of the Bible and Christian theology.


He shall develop preaching and teaching methods that inspire ad challenge spiritual growth of the congregation and make the gospel attractive to visitors.


He shall set the vision and direction of LOBC, along with the Deacon Board.


He shall train disciples and equip leaders for ministry through personal modeling, mentoring and active programs.


He shall instruct those who seek conversion to faith.


He shall conduct or supervise new membership classes for those interested in joining LOBC.


He shall conduct baptisms.


He shall comfort those in crisis, (i.e., death, sickness, trauma, spiritual need or other significant event), where pastoral care is required.


He shall demonstrate ownership of LOBC objective and shared purpose of the membership through leading by example, involving others in decision making process and actively participating in church activities.








He shall maintain oversight of all religious education programs to ensure that those activities are consistent with the goals and philosophy of LOBC.


He shall lead LOBC to identify and win the lost and un-churched in the local community.


He shall support local, national and world missions.


He shall be ex-officio member of all boards and committees.


He shall preside at all Church meetings, except a provision may be made for a temporary presiding officer at a given meeting. (Deleted 02-07-2018)




The following requirements are representative of the knowledge, skill and abilities required for the LOBC Senior Pastor.


Education and/or Experience


Master of Divinity degree or equivalent, or four years related experience and/or training or equivalent combination of education and experience.


Language Skills


Senior pastor is required to read, analyze and interpret the scripture and related commentary. He is required to respond effectively to sensitive inquiries or complaints and demonstrate ability to write speeches and articles using original or innovative techniques or styles.


Reasoning Ability


Senior Pastor shall have an open mind with flexibility to accept and work with new ideas that are consistent with the scriptures. He shall use sound judgment for assessment of situations and the consequences of actions related to decision making.


Other Skills and Abilities


The Senior Pastor shall exhibit a passion for God and Christ-like spirit as demonstrated by personal and professional life.


He shall possess a capacity for forward planning to lead LOBC in the future.


He shall possess a “Team Spirit” to encourage participation of membership in all LOBC activities.


He shall possess time management skills and organizational ability to manage multiple activities and solve problems.








The Senior Pastor’s salary and associated compensation for travel, telephone and other costs shall be negotiated with the Board of Deacons.


The Senior Pastor shall have two days off during each week with exception of emergency. When the Senior Pastor is required to work during the scheduled days off, he shall be compensated with time off during future scheduled working days. The Senior Pastor shall identify selected days off to the Deacon Board. The Associate Pastor and/or designated Deacon(s) shall be responsible for telephone calls during scheduled days off for the Senior Pastor.


The Senior Pastor shall have two (2) weeks paid vacation each calendar year for the first ten (10) years of service. After ten (10) years of service, one (1) vacation day shall be added for each subsequent year’s service.


The Senior Pastor shall give the Board of Deacons a minimum of one-week notice prior to taking vacation.




The Senior Pastor’s performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Board of Deacons. The first review shall be within six (6) months after accepting the position and subsequent reviews shall be completed annually thereafter.


This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Senior Pastor ________________________________________________________Date__________________________



Board of Deacons ________________________________________________________Date__________________________
















*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.










Reports to: Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons




The Associate Pastor at Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) shall assist the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons in accomplishing our objective to develop a strong church community. Our church goal is to welcome everyone including believer and non-believer to hear the gospel with relevant and practical messages supplemented by southern gospel music.




During execution of his duties, the Associate Pastor shall display the love and grace of Jesus Christ to our church family. Essential duties shall include:


  • Occasional Preaching at Sunday Evening Services

  • Conduct Occasional Wednesday Evening Bible Study

  • Substitute for Senior Pastor in Sunday Morning Services During Senior Pastor Vacation, Absence for Revivals or Illness

  • Occasional Substitution for Sunday School Teachers

  • Coordination with the Youth Leaders to Assist Their Activities as They Require

  • Pastoral Response to Telephone Calls on Pastor’s Day Off or Other Senior Pastor Absence


The Associate Pastor shall be an integral part of the LOBC pastoral team with the Senior Pastor and church officers.


Additional pastoral duties shall include:


  • Hospital Visitation

  • Pastoral Care

  • Teaching




The Associate Pastor ministerial experience shall be reviewed by the Senior Pastor and the Board of Deacons prior to offering position.













The Associate Pastor shall have:


  • Positive Leadership Skills and Attitude

  • Knowledge of Scripture for Leading Bible Study and Teaching Sunday School




The Associate Pastor’s salary and associated compensation for travel, telephone and other costs shall be negotiated with the Senior Pastor and the Board of Deacons.




The Associate Pastor’s performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons. The first review shall be within six (6) months after accepting the position and subsequent reviews shall be completed annually thereafter.



This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Associate Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________


Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________













*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.














Reports to: Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons





The Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) Treasurer shall assist the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons to demonstrate financial responsibility with our tithes and gifts to the Lord. Our church shall pay for our needs, provide for local needy, give to foreign missions and act as a financially responsible member to the community.




The Treasurer’s essential duties shall include:


  • Prompt Payments that May Include Mortgage, Utilities, Insurance, Loans, General Administrative Supplies/Services and Special Services Provided for Maintenance and/or Repair


  • Deposit of Congregation Tithes and Gifts


  • Maintenance of Records for Receipt and Dispersal of Funds (Records shall be updated as funds are received and/or dispersed.)


  • Dispersal of Monthly Mission Funds


  • Dispersal of Deacon Home Mission Funds


  • Presentation of Status for Church Finances at Bi-monthly and Annual Business Meetings


  • Participation in Annual Audit of Financial Records


The Treasurer shall protect the confidentiality of congregational gifts and/or source of other gifts. The Treasurer may identify the source of the gift with permission of benefactor.


The Treasurer shall communicate anticipated problems related to church financial status to the Board of Deacons.











The LOBC Treasurer shall demonstrate bookkeeping skills and maintenance of financial records. The Treasurer shall have capability to use electronic, (Microsoft, Excel or equivalent) spreadsheets for the financial records and the preparation of reports. These records may be supported with paper files.




The Treasurer’s compensation for travel, shall be negotiated with the Senior Pastor and the Board of Deacons.




The Treasurer’s performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons. The first review shall be within six (6) months after accepting the position and subsequent reviews shall be completed annually thereafter.



This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Treasurer ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________


Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________













*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.















Reports to: Senior Pastor, Board of Deacons and Congregation




The Lone Oak Baptist (LOBC) Board of Trustees shall assist the Senior Pastor, Board of Deacons and Congregation in maintenance of the church physical property.




The Board of Trustees’ essential duties shall include:


  • Annual appointment of a Chairman to be leader and spokesman for the board


  • Regularly scheduled meetings to review church needs and plan for maintenance/repair activities


  • Oversight of maintenance, repair and replacement of church equipment, buildings and property, including:


    • Heating and ventilation

    • Lawn mowing

    • Weed eating

    • Parking cleanliness and access (snow/ice removal)


  • Budgetary estimate for annual maintenance expenditures for church equipment, buildings, and property


  • Identification of specialized requirements and arrangement to engage outside assistance as necessary to solve specialized problems


  • Oversight of expenditure of funds within the church budget for maintenance, repair and replacement, (Expenditures over $500.00 shall require congregational approval at the Church Business Meeting)








Members of the LOBC Board of Trustees shall demonstrate aptitude for identification and repair of minor facility and equipment problems. Major problems shall be repaired or replaced by specialists engaged by the Trustees.






The Board of Trustees’ performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons.


This document does not create or imply an employment contract.




Board of Trustees ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________












Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________















1*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.










Reports to: Congregation and Senior Pastor




The Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) Board of Deacons shall assist the Senior Pastor in his care and support of the spiritual and moral welfare of the congregation. The Board of Deacons shall free the pastor to preach the word, administer the ordinances and complete his pastoral duties.




The Board of Deacons’ essential duties shall include:


  • Annual appointment of a Chairman to be leader and spokesman for the board


  • Protection of Church (Services and Activities)


  • Regularly scheduled meetings to attend to church needs


  • Select pastoral duties with concurrence of Pastor to free the Pastor and Associate Pastor to complete their duties


  • Promotion of the spiritual welfare and discipline of the church


  • Assistance in observance of the Lord’s Supper


  • Assistance in visitation and evangelism to promote church growth


  • Programs and activities to encourage attendance of all members


  • Dispersal of funds from Deacon’s Home Mission fund to assist the needy


  • Oversight of church finances and guidance for the church treasurer


  • The Board of Deacons shall designate a person to conduct all business meetings. (Added 02/07/2018)




Education and/or Experience


Members of the Board of Deacons shall continue study of the Scripture for guidance to arrive at the Board’s decisions.


Language Skills


The members of the Deacon Board shall respond effectively to sensitive inquiries or complaints and document those situations as required.


Reasoning Ability


The members of the Board of Deacons shall have an open mind with flexibility to accept and work with new ideas that are consistent with the scriptures. They shall use sound judgment for assessment of situations and the consequences of actions related to decision making.


Other Skills and Abilities


The members of the Board of Deacons shall exhibit a passion for God and Christ-like spirit as demonstrated by personal and professional life.


They shall possess a capacity for forward planning to lead LOBC into the future.


They shall possess a “Team Spirit” to encourage participation of membership in all LOBC activities.


They shall possess time management skills and organizational ability to manage multiple activities and solve problems.




The members of the Board of Deacons performance shall be subject to continuous review by the Pastor and Congregation.


This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________












1*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.











Reports to: The Chairman of the Trustee Board.





The Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) Janitor(s) shall clean the sanctuary, fellowship room, Sunday school classrooms, restrooms and hallways to assure a sanitary environment and present our church in a way that will always welcome visitors.




The duties of the Janitor(s) are summarized in the following table with a recommended time budget.


Room or Location

Weekly Cleaning Description




Entry and Narthex





Sweep and Mop



Clean Table Tops



Sweep Outside Entry





2 Restrooms at Entry




Clean Porcelain Fixtures and Dry



Clean Sink Surfaces



Mop Floor (sweep as required) with Disinfectant



Clean and Dry Mirrors



Empty Waste Cans





Pastors Office/Study




Vacuum Floors



Dust Furniture



Empty Waste Can






Vacuum Floors



Collect Litter/Empty Waste Can



Wipe Down Tables





Hallways to Classrooms




Sweep and Mop



Clean Water Fountains with Disinfectant







Room or Location

Weekly Cleaning Description




Sunday School Office








Vacuum Floor



Dust Furniture, Computer Monitor and Tower





2 Restrooms at Fellowship Room




Clean Porcelain Fixtures and Dry



Clean Sink Surfaces/Changing Table with Disinfectant



Mop Floor (sweep as required) with Disinfectant



Clean and Dry Mirrors



Empty Waste Cans





Sunday School Classrooms




Wipe Down Tables



Sweep Floors



Mop Floors as Necessary



Collect Litter/Empty Waste Cans









Collect Litter/Empty Waste Cans



Vacuum Floors



Dust Furniture/Wipe Applicable Surfaces with










Collect Litter/Arrange Fans, Song Guides, Song Books and Visitor Cards



Vacuum Floor



Spot Clean Rug as Necessary





Fellowship Room




Clean Table Tops



Collect Litter/Empty Waste Cans



Sweep and Mop



Sweep Outside Entry



Total Hours














The Janitor’s performance shall be subject to continuous review by the Congregation. A performance review shall be completed with the Board of Deacons after the first 90 days and annually thereafter.



This document does not create or imply an employment contract.



Janitor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Janitor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________



Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________













1*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.































Reports to: Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons






The Lone Oak Baptist Church (LOBC) Clerk shall maintain the official records of our church body meetings and activities.




The Clerk’s essential duties shall include:


  • Maintenance for Church Membership File Records


  • Maintenance of Baptismal File Records


  • Record of Minutes for Special and Regular Church Business Meetings


  • Report of Minutes at Meetings




The LOBC Clerk shall have note taking skills and filing skills. Familiarity and use of computer word processing software is desired.





The Clerk’s performance shall be subject to an informal review that will be conducted by the Senior Pastor and Board of Deacons. The first review shall be within six (6) months after accepting the position and subsequent reviews shall be completed annually thereafter.














This document does not create or imply an employment contract.




Church Clerk ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________




Senior Pastor ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________




Board of Deacons ___________________________________________________Date_______________________________













*Lone Oak Baptist Church former affiliations were with the American Baptist and Free Will Baptist Associations. We are currently an independent body. We maintain a Baptist fellowship with belief in one God, the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, (Jesus and Holy Spirit together with God the Father), salvation through divine grace and the Kingdom of God. We commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior along with the last supper. In addition to these basic beliefs, our pastors, leaders and officers shall adhere to our posted covenants.